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Frequently Asked Questions
Operator Information
Why do I have more CECs required to renew than usual?
What is ERG (Expense Reimbursement Grant) Eligible?
What is a CEC?
Do I have to work in a water system to keep my certification active?
Can I renew an expired certification?
Can I view the classes/training I have taken?
WSSN Information
Why can't I see the name of the water system?
What is a WSSN?
Can I view information for all certified operators at my system?
What is a District Number?
How can I find the name and phone number for my District Engineer?
Report Information
Why is the renewal application report link only visible sometimes?
What is PDF?
Why doesn't the PDF option work?
Can I print my renewal application?
How can I find out if a training course has been approved by DEQ for CECs?
bullet graphic Why do I have more CECs required to renew than usual?
When your certificate expires, you have 1 year to reinstate it, but you must take additional CECs in order to do so. The additional CEC is a prorated amount calculated from your level of certification and the number of months your certificate has been expired.
bullet graphic What is ERG (Expense Reimbursement Grant) Eligible?
ERG eligible operators must be certified drinking water operators working for a public water system that serves 3,300 or fewer individuals. The ERG status indicated does not reflect any courses for which the Operator is currently registered. In addition there is a time lapse between the date a course ends and the date DEQ receives the course information from the provider. If you have recently completed a course or are currently registered for a course the ERG status shown may not be accurate.
bullet graphic What is a CEC?
A CEC is a Continuing Education Credit. Basically, CEC's are any number of training hours of course credit divided by 10. 1 CEC = 10 contact hours of training.
bullet graphic Do I have to work in a water system to keep my certification active?
No, you do not need to work in a water system to keep your certificate active.
bullet graphic Can I renew an expired certification?
Yes, you can renew (reinstate) an expired certificate but you must do so within 1 year of the expiration date and you must take additional CECs in order to do so. The additional CEC is a prorated amount calculated from your level of certification and the number of months your certificate has been expired.
bullet graphic Can I view the classes/training I have taken?
Yes, a CEC history report for the current renewal period can be viewed online by clicking on the "Courses Taken This Renewal Period" link. To view your complete CEC history, click the "Total CECs on Record" link.
bullet graphic Why can't I see the name of the water system?
Water System names are not displayed for security purposes.
bullet graphic What is a WSSN?
A WSSN is the DEQ abbreviation for Water Supply Serial Number. All public water supplies are assigned a WSSN by DEQ.
bullet graphic Can I view information for all certified operators at my system?
Yes, select a WSSN from the list box on the main page and click the "Search" button. The report generated will display all operators working in the WSSN along with their CEC information.
bullet graphic What is a District Number?
All public water supplies are assigned a District Number by DEQ. Districts consist of one or more Michigan counties.
bullet graphic How can I find the name and phone number for my District Engineer?
The Water Bureau District Map contains the names and phone numbers of each District Engineer along with the District they serve. To view the map click the "Water Bureau District Map" link on the main page.
bullet graphic Why is the renewal application link only visible sometimes?
DEQ is only able to process drinking water certification renewals within 8 weeks of the certificate's expiration date. Once the calendar date is within 8 weeks of your certificate's expiration date, the renewal report link will be visible and you may apply for renewal.
bullet graphic What is PDF?
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. You can open PDF documents on any system without concern for the software platform, the original application, or the availability of specific fonts.
bullet graphic Why doesn't the PDF option work?
If the PDF option does not work make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Click on the Adobe Acrobat link on the main page to download the Reader for free.
bullet graphic Can I print my renewal application?
Yes, click on the File menu and select Print. If viewing the application in PDF click on the printer icon. The renewal application prints best in PDF view. 
bullet graphic How can I find out if a training course has been approved by DEQ for CEC's?
You can view courses that have been approved by DEQ for CEC's by clicking on the "Approved Courses" link on the main page. Home   |  EGLE_Home  |   Permits  |  Programs   |  Contact_EGLE
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