Toggle layer visibility by clicking the corresponding checkbox. Activate the transparency slider for a layer by clicking on the transparency slider.
Separate from Data Search, Quick Zoom enables you to zoom to a specified location. Select a zoom type to display its content below and to assist you in zooming the map.
Enter a Well attribute below and then click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map.
- Example: 45643
- Example: 21079456430000
- Example: State Garfield
- Example: BreitBurn
- Example: Garfield
- Example: 18731
Enter place (street address, city or known place) information below and then click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map.
- Example: 111 S Capitol Ave, Lansing
Enter both cross-street names, excluding suffixes (i.e. Rd, St, Ave), below and then click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map. Place can be city, township or county.
- Example: Michigan
- Example: Capitol
- Example: Lansing
Enter both latitude and longitude coordinates below and then click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map.
- Example: 42.733690
- Example: -84.555482
Select the Town from the dropdown list, proceeded by Range, and then Section. After the three dropdowns are populated, click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map.
Select the County from the dropdown list, click the Quick Zoom button to zoom the map.
Separate from Quick Zoom, Data Search enables you to retrieve data for a specified Well location.
Enter a Well attribute below and then click the Search button to retrieve data.
- Example: 45643
- Example: 21079456430000
- Example: State Garfield
- Example: BreitBurn
- Example: Garfield
- Example: 18731
Data Search was successful, click on Results tab over map to view the results.